Monday, June 1, 2009

Single Beds Are Not Made for 3 People & Other Lessons Learnt

Hey kids, Gray here.

I just got back from spending the day at uni when I really didn't have to be there (it's study break). I saw the most beautiful sunset (pink & grey) on my way home though, so at least that made up for it.
Because I love you (and because I have run out of concentration), I am going to tell you the story of my weekend instead of writing my assignment which is due tomorrow morn at 9.

This was the first day I felt like a real person (ie. not sick as a dog) all week! As Blondie J mentioned, my Friday started with some study and then a visit from her. This was to drop off a dvd, Sweet Sixteen (which I actually never got to watch, sorry Blondie!), but ended up being a goss sesh as per usual. I told her about the seriously unsettling conversation I had with McFly the night before, during which he pushed me to tell him what I thought his character flaws were until about 1am (for the record: selfish, incapable of empathy, unreliable to the point of ridiculousness). This put me in an incredibly bad mood & generally made me annoyed at him, especially when he started complaining that some girl who used to like him was now with another guy - note here that he didn't want her at all, he just wanted her to like him! He's such a dickhead sometimes.
Blondie made me laugh pretty hard with her copy of Cleo and then drove me to uni because she got all paranoid about Dan reading her old msn conversations (which were admittedly full of embarassing references to him) on her laptop which he had borrowed. So we visited Dan & he sorted out a few flips for me (the same ones I had last weekend, WHICH WERE AMAZING). Then I went off to sort out some uni stuff and recieved a message from Charlie asking me if I was at End of Semester Show - this is just everyone hanging out at the tav at uni on the last day of semester & getting legless. I thought I'd give it a go, but was adamant that I wouldn't drink, given that I was recovering from that darned tonsillitis. So I went & met Charlie at the tav for some chats. Turns out everyone I hadn't seen for a week was there, so I got all the chats I wanted :)
Charlie was already admirably drunk for 2 in the afternoon when I arrived and in this state was all droopy-eyed & lovely. I think we planned to have a roadtrip at the end of the year sometime. A drug-fueled road trip. I'm so up for it! Not surprisingly, it only took him about an hour to talk me into finishing his beer. Following that, I decided that the floodgates had been opened, so I may as well let the liquor run freely.
Daquiris all round!
Here's where it starts to get exciting:

C: "I really shouldn't be telling you this ... but I'm drunk enough that I don't care ..."
G: "Ooo what Charlie?!?! Tellll meeeeee :D"
C: "You have a secret admirer."
C: "Well I can't tell you that. For starters I can tell you that it's a guy."
G: "Ok ok. Can you give me any more hints?"
C: "Well he's part of the usual scene. We hang out with him a fair bit. And I don't know how close you are to him, but you knew him from before. You're definitely friends. I haven't spoken to him about this yet, but people have been talking and Andy has been dropping hints about it."
G: "Nooooo that's so not enough, you have to tell me!! Ok. Well. I have an inkiling of who it may be. But wait. That couldn't be right. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm."

Here's me weighing up the possibilities.
Oh, and it's NOT McFly.

I spent most of the rest of the afternoon/evening chatting to Charlie, my lovely friend Clara who is a regular at Slew and speaks like a true thespian, McFly (who came up to me and gave me a huge hug, initiated by nuzzling into my neck; oh McFly) and Charlie's ex girlfriend Sara. Now, it's pretty great that Charlie and Sara are speaking again because they are both such fun to hang out with, I loved spending time with them when they were together. Now it can happen again without being awkward!
Come closing time at the tav, we all ended up in Charlie's car being driven to someone's house; with the exception of Clara and (unfortunately) the addition of Mark Nokle. Now, Mark Nokle is an ok guy, don't get me wrong. But he's a bit fucking weird. And on an odd weekend with McFly and a girl he was seeing at the time, Mark Nokle hit on me pretty hard and scared the living daylights out of me. No. Way. In. Hell.
The house we ended up at was pretty unexciting, just some people smoking j's and shooting the shit. Nokle seemed particularly unimpressed as he managed to fall asleep in the middle of a stranger's couch, surrounded by people he didn't know. At 8:30 at night.
Thank goodness Sara had the presence of mind to take photos.

After we got too bored we hit the road & picked up some fast food to munch on. Sara and I got a serious case of the giggles in the back seat & it reminded me how different it is to hang out with girls! I clearly don't get enough B/J/C time anymore.
On our way to the next party, we picked up Marta who had been waiting at a trainstation patiently for AGES (all thanks to the notoriously unreliable McFly). Marta is a fresher (read: first year uni) who McFly has "taken under his wing" (yes, cue ominous music here).
Problem with the next party is that it was an 18th (how weird to be going to one of those these days) that had a list. And we were not on that list. Thankfully (or not so thankfully, as the case may be) Nokle literally lived on the same street as this girl so we just went back to his house.
Shortly after arriving Charlie decided he wanted to get out of there, but as Marta was underage we couldn't take her out on the town with us. So Charlie left and took Sara home and McFly, Marta and I prepared for a night in at Nokle's.
Experiences of note, pre-bedtime:

  • Raiding Nokle's fridge & finding very little
  • Riding on an electric scooter to the corner shop to buy ingredients for nachos (nb. this was under great duress, neither Marta nor I wished to ride on the back of one of those flimsy things while gripping on to Nokle's shoulders for dear life, but we both were forced to)
  • Warm milo
  • Watching Karate Kid till 2am
  • Seeing Nokle fall asleep on yet another couch in company, this time his own

So here comes the fun part. There are a total of 3 beds in Nokle's house. One of them is Nokle's. The other is his dad's. The third is a spare.
There is absolutely no way in hell anyone was going to sleep in Nokle's bed, for fear of having him join at some ungodly hour (shudder). And no one wanted to chance sleeping in his dad's bed, in case he came home to find us there (awkwardddd). So it was the spare room for us. Problem with the spare bed it that it was somewhere between a single and a double bed - so not sufficiently sized for 3 people! But we made it work.
Ok, mostly McFly made it work.
We spent that night with Marta in the middle and McFly's arms encircling her so that his hands could be all over ME on her other side. Yes folks, his hands were down my top & up and down my waist alllllllllllllllll night. With Marta in the middle. Oh and did I mention he tried (and failed) to gun for a threesome? Not surprising considering I get threesome innuendo from him every other day as I'm the only girl he knows who likes girls as well as guys!
Why the hell did I let him do this? Oh, it might have had something to do with the alcohol I'd drunk (while still on antibiotics) or maybe that ritalin I took to stay awake for Karate Kid.

And now here's where it really gets fucked up.
The next morning while McFly was showering, I bitingly mentioned to Marta that if he weren't meant to be meeting up with the girl he was seeing, he would be sleeping through till 5pm.

M: *Sigh* "How many girls is he seeing?"
G: "Ahhh at the moment pretty much just her, but he's really not a girlfriend kind of a guy. He's always hooking up with multiple girls."
M: "Oh god."
G: "Oh Marta, seriously, take it from someone who's been there - DON'T GET INVOLVED."
M: "It's a bit late for that. I hooked up with him a few weeks ago. And I don't know, I just really like him and he said that he likes me too but doesn't want a relationship right now. My friend Faith said that he's probably just insecure and actually does want to go out with me, but I just have to give it time."
G: "NONONONONONONO, I'm so, so sorry, but that's absolutely not it. McFly does not date girls. Not anymore. And if he does want to date them, he does it as soon as he can. Plus, he's leaving at the end of the year Marta."
M: "Ohhh I don't know, he hasn't planned it yet at all, he's leaving his exchange stuff to the last minute..."
G: "Trust me, the moment he can get out of here, he will. Don't keep your hopes up thinking he'll stick around."

And she didn't even know I'd hooked up with him! Poor love. It was like talking to myself at that time last year. Not a fun experience.

Given this conversation, the train ride home was a little awkward. Marta and I spent most of it in pissed-off, stony silence. Me, because he had done this to ANOTHER girl, the asshole (and probably didn't mean anything he'd said in our previous weird conversation) and Marta because I'd crushed her hopes of being with him with the harsh truth.
After she got off the train, I told McFly about my conversation with Marta. He wasn't exactly happy, but he wasn't apologetic either. He has no concept of how painful it is to be led on like that!
Just to top everything off, (McFly knows how to keep me on side), he dropped another veritable bomb:
"If only I were a one-woman man. Because if I were a one-woman man, then I think that
Gray would be that woman."

Then he traipsed off to meet his girl (after offering for me to meet her - how is that awkward Gray, I don't understand?).

Questions to ponder for this post: Who is my secret admirer? Is McFly serious, or is he just fucking with me like everyone else? Will Marta hate me a little bit forever for telling her about the realities of McFly? Was that even the right thing to do???

That's all for tonight lovelies, I'll update you on Saturday's happenings tomorrow (stay tuned for admirer revelations!)

Gray xx

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