Saturday, June 20, 2009

It's All About the Sexy Undies

A retropost circa 20th of June

Last night was another of those nights you wish you could tell your kids about, but know that they would say "Ewww mum, you're not allowed to have done things like that!".

It was my last night out in this fine city for a month, because tonight I am leaving for London! I'm so excited, it's not even funny. I plan to hit the shops/pubs/clubs/cultural attractions hard.

Anyway, considering it was my last night I wanted to go out with a BANG. I had predrinks at my house (so convenientlty located in the inner city), to which I invited my fave gay boy Julian, a new boy he may or may not be fooling around with, Harry; Blondie J, Jaydee, Bella and a couple of other friends. Naturally, I got silly on red wine (French for $10, ridiculous!) and attempted to apply lipstick in said state as per usual, which is always a fine line between alright & a horrible choice. We all sat around shooting the shit until my dad arrived home from a drinks night, after which we shot the shit with him while he drank vodka & tonics to a soundtrack of Led Zepplin. Such good times.

At around 9.30 we left mine to go to this house party in the next street (Castle, my street and this one, Riverrun, are all parallel one after another). It was the usual scene, indie kids sitting around in unfunctionally small hats, drinking red or cheap spirits, butting out cigarettes in old jars, talking about learning Spanish or some art show and dancing to artful noise. It ended up being just Bella and I, with everyone else peeling off to other destinations and promising to meet me out at Slew after midnight. Now, the interesting part comes when some of the Castle kids turned up (surprising, right?). My three favourites, McFly, Charlie and Sam waltzing through the door sometime around 10:30 immediately made my night.
I've gotta tell you kids, this bit is all a little blurry. I was pretty drunk.
Somehow McFly, Bella and I ended up in one of the housemate's bedrooms in order to rail a ritalin I'd been carrying around since Nokle gave it to me before exams. This was a bit of a bad choice, especially considering the lessons I have already learnt about cold/wet/substances/lack of sleep/bad food combos. But what really put the icing on the cake for my poor brain was the hit of green McFly offered me. It sent me into a sick, messy downward spiral for the next half an hour, during which some major developments occurred.

First of all, I hooked up with Bella on this guy's bed while McFly chose songs on his computer - why the hell wasn't he trying to get in on that action, you may ask? Good question! I really, really don't know, considering he drops threesome innuendos like working girls drop their underwear: As a matter of course.

Next, Sam entered the room and, seeing me in such a state, immediately asked "Are you alright?". I replied "No, no I'm not", and proceeded to grasp his hand for dear life. The pressure I had to exert was the only thing keeping me conscious.
Lovely Gray, real classy.
He then suggested that we go for a walk. I, badly needing some movement and fresh air, readily agreed. In retrospect, this move was a bit of a cunning plan on Sam's part. We hadn't gotten more than 4 houses up the street before we were making out like there was no tomorrow against some poor neighbour's front wall. YES IT FINALLY HAPPENED. And yes, he's a pretty good kisser (for a boy, girls are in a league of their own).

Skip forward twenty minutes of rain-soaked outdoor makeout & groping, and you will see us return to the party and collect McFly and Charlie for the walk to Slew. The club was just as it always is, full of friends and good music. One noteable appearance was that of Sam's recent ex, Joanie. She was lovely to me as always, but keep in mind that she didn't know I'd been kissing her ex all night! He and I had a bit of a dancefloormakeout, a phenomenon that is quite unusual at Slew, most of the patrons feeling they're above that kind of behaviour, which is more suited to the lower echelons over at Washington. McFly went back to Castle pretty early, leaving Sam, Charlie and I hanging out. We all ended up walking home together, with Charlie bowing out upon our arrival at his car. He hates to sleep on the floor at Castle so he always drives, no matter his state or the early hour.

So then there were two.

Sam walked me to my house and upon the prospect of saying good night both of us lent in for a long, sex-filled kiss. "Come back to my house." It was more of a statement than a question when he said it. "I can't, I have to get up early tomorrow and pack ..." My refusal was stifled by another kiss, at the end of which he offered again. This time I couldn't help but agree. I had worn my best new sexy undies, after all.
And the rest is history.
We spent the night together and it wasn't amazing, but it was fun! It had been so so SO long since my last time. I'm really not too sure how I feel about it though, because I don't think I like him enough to date him and I don't know what he wants from me. I guess I'll just have to roll with it; wait and see.
The last interesting point happened the morning after. Sam got up to get a glass of water and returned to his room holding up a denim jacket. Except this wasn't a normal denim jacket. It was cut up and torn and ruined. All he said was, "Apparently Joanie was staying in the living room last night."
You see, Sam lives with Alexa, one of Joanie's best friends. She must have decided to stay with Alexa instead of going home. So she must have heard Sam bring someone (probably obviously me) home. And apparently she decided that the best thing to do would be to cut the fuck out of his favourite jacket. She's totally stable. Yeah!
Thank GOD I'm leaving tonight. I can be away for a whole month and let those two craaaaaaaazy kids sort their shit out, without dragging me into their messy post-breakup relationship.
However; Still. Not. Happy.

On the plus side, this afternoon I had two of my favourite people come and visit me while I packed, Jaydee and McFly. As soon as he left my house McFly sent me a message saying "Miss you already". Sometimes I really, really love that boy. I'm going to miss him.

Anyway, wish me luck in Europe! I'll be back soon xx

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