Monday, June 1, 2009

Long Weekend

Hey everyone! I'm Blondie J, your other resident trouble-maker. It's Monday mid-afternoon and I've finally come home this morning and showered away adventures since Thursday night. It's been a long and confusing weekend, so here goes with the story.

Thursday night, while Gray was busy analysing certain conversations with McFly, I was cramming hard for my anatomy exam. Having failed the last assessment, I thought I should probably put some effort in. At around midnight, I left my study-cave to go and pick up the boy/friend, Dan, from a loose night at a 19th. Attemps to continue studying back at his were thwarted as he rolled around on the bed drunkenly humming and pretending to drum on my legs/the covers until 4am. After a two-hour catnap, and a failed attempt to get him up to come to uni with me, I headed to study in the library some more before the 9am exam. It ended up being fairly passable!

After the exam I headed to Gray's house to drop off an amazing DVD and of course, for a chat. After laughing at the 'real life' articles in Cleo (hello Mr "Addicted to Randy Dandy the sex doll"!), I dropped her back at uni, and after visiting Dan there, popped home to get ready for the impending night. I showered and put on my face and headed to Jaydee's for outfit steal-age and help with jewellery selection. Jaydee dropped me and my voj at the tav at uni, where Gray and I shared a brief interlude through the gates (I wasn't allowed in!), which included passing over of certain possibly necessary protective items.

I then headed to the lawn and found Dan, who was in a strange and quiet mood, and two of our other friends. We hopped the bus to begin our epic 'pub-crawl', hosted by the student society that he was elected to this year. The voj disappeared quickly and so did my fear of confrontation: 'are you angry with me?', 'do I look okay?', 'are you sure you want me here?' (with the desired responses of "of course not!", "you look amazing!" and "yes, don't leave!". We had a great time until Dan started talking to his ex Britney (technically an ex, although the relationship lasted a literal 4 days and ended for no particular reason). She is a goodlooking and flirtatious girl who I have absolutely no interest in talking to (as I think I demonstrated in my treatment of her friendly and overly perky "Hey, How Are You?"). I should probably mention here that Dan and I have been on/off 'fuck buddies' since Jan '07, but been seeing each other a few times a week in a semi-romantic way since December (other than the brief Britney interlude). Our level of closeness but lack of certainty/official definition of our relationship leads to endless insecurity on my part. Dan is the nicest, most well-meaning and happy-go-lucky guy around 90% of the time, but he has this tendency to occasionally make bad decisions on a whim that hurt people and make him look like a selfish dickhead.

Anyway, I proceeded to have a drunken deep and meaningful with Dan's best friend Grant, and whiny phone calls with Jaydee and Lizzie. Anyway, after a bit of a confrontation with Dan outside the last pub, during which he reassured me he has eyes only for me tonight, and Britney unnecessarily telling him to 'take her home', we headed to meet some better friends (including the beautiful Grace) at a drum'n'bass concert in the city. The music was amazing and I felt endlessly more comfortable in my scene instead of his. The flips probably helped my self-confidence also. The night was amazing, my back cramped from dancing, and I felt a little in love holding hands on the walk home. We had a couple of billies and spooned in a friend's sisters bed for probably 2 hours before the alarm went off for work at 9am. I didn't make it to work however, and slept until 2pm.

Jaydee picked me up in my scattered state and I lay in her bed complaining and telling her all about my night for a couple of hours, until I headed to Cat's to pick her up for my sister's 21st. We hung there for a couple hours (nursing my hangover with vodka redbulls and laughing at my drunk mother and sister) until Dan picked me up en route to drop off flips that he was supplying for friends. On the way to drop Cat home he randomly declared "Hey, I tried to hook up with Holly last night! And by tried to, I mean I think I actually might have, I can't remember though!" ........What? Are you serious? She likes you! You think she is amazingly nice and cute! How am I supposed to not feel weird and threatened by this? How are you being so blasé about it? Why didn't you say anything at the time? How did you act so lovey all night at the dnb gig without any thought of that happening earlier? I can't believe I was paranoid about Britney when it was Holly who I should've been worrying about! I really don't understand this boy sometimes. We stayed at Steven's apartment, our regular haunt for smoking weed as he lives without parents - so jealous - but the futon was uncomfortable and I probably slept less than an hour.

Dan and I spent Sunday sitting around his house playing Playstation and uploading songs to his band's myspace. We had a family dinner with his parents and sister and then headed to Steven's again for some more billies. I wasn't keen on the uncomfortable couch for a second night, so we headed home and distractedly watched some OC (Season 1 of course). Sleeping in a familiar bed was amazing and awkwardness over the Holly situation was long-gone as we cuddled all night.

This morning I am finally at home with time to try and figure out how I feel about everything that happened this weekend. I'm not sure whether Dan is coming over for dinner with my mum tonight and I'm waiting for his call (and half-expecting a "Hey sorry, I'm going to go hang out with Holly tonight instead"). Anyway, my slightly unstable father has gone down the coast for a few days and my mother is heading up north with work tomorrow, so hopefully I can expect a few days of peace and quiet, study and possible nights in with Dan? I'm starting to feel a sore throat (unsurprising considering the level of viruses flying around the scene) and I don't want to end up as bad as Gray was last week, so next post may not be as excitement filled! I'll have to give you the verdict on Dan and whether he chooses to see me this week next time though.

Stay cheerful! xxx

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