Monday, February 15, 2010

Long Time, No See

So it's been a long time since I last wrote, and as you might guess, a lot has happened.
I'd like to tell the story of a girl named Zoe in order and in full, as it's been a pretty important part of my last month. Again, as you might imagine, she's driven me a little crazy and, as per usual, it makes for an interesting story for all of you, but not a very satisfying one for me. Perhaps I'm destined to keep having doomed flings to keep you all in interesting reading material! I'll endeavour to tell the whole story over the next week or so.

For the moment, I'd like to share a few things that I have learnt recently:

1) Relying on others to make us happy will never, ever work. The only way to be truly happy is to be content in yourself; other people can only ever play a supporting role.
2) Reading about Buddhism is the only thing that can really calm me down as it teaches one to abandon all desire and value what one already has. Try it out sometime, I highly recommend it.
3) Big changes help to kill off boredom, but first you have to find something worth changing. (I'm thinking about moving out/going on exchange/taking a semester off uni.)
4) Acid is the best drug in the world, as long as you can learn not to drown in it. And especially if you listen to Philip Glass while on it, he makes the world impossibly beautiful:

5) Soy hot chocolates are infinitely better than ones with normal milk. There's just no contest! Especially when they are served to you by cute ex-flings with piercing blue eyes who still flirt with you ;)
6) Playing music (my personal favourite at the moment being Jolene) and writing are incredibly cathartic things, but if you get lost in a haze of late nights, drinking/drugs, hangovers, listless television watching and general inertia, that's an easy fact to forget. I should leave notes lying around to remind myself of theses things.
7) If you develop a habit of crying in public, DO NOT wear mascara.
8) Stop crying in public, it's tragic. Read some Buddhism instead.

Stay tuned lovers x