Sunday, October 18, 2009

Distance Can Go Fuck Itself


Remember that sort-of-ex-girlfriend I was mooning over last week? Well, now she has a name on this blog and it's Cherry. You only don't get a name if I think you're untouchable.
A bit of pedestal-isation from your host Grey.

Did I mention how I'd thought that Cherry had changed her ways?
She's just as bad as she always was, read on if you want it proven to you:

  1. On Friday night when she got in that cab it was with a friend of mine, Bowler, who I know through good old McFly. I assumed that the cab would drop Bowler at his house and then take Cherry on to hers. First point where Grey underestimated Cherry. She went back to his.
  2. Not only did she stay at Bowler's, she also fucked him.
  3. Not only did they fuck on Friday night, they then hung out all of Saturday and she stayed over again on Saturday night. Fucking ensued.
  4. I called her on Saturday afternoon to see if she was ok, she told me she was at home. Bowler later informed me that he listened in on her lieing to me during this conversation.
  5. Clearly worried about how I would react to this, she sent me a pre-emptive "I don't want to leave on a bad note with you x" message, before I'd found all this out.
  6. Then, knowing that I knew thanks to merciless facebook condemnation coming from all sides (read: McFly, Nokle and Andy, I love them), she didn't try to contact me all week.
  7. Then, when I saw her on Friday at Slew I (at first unintentionally) completely snubbed her and she made no attempt to rectify the situation, instead left as early as 2:30 with her tail between her legs.
  8. Oh and you know how she told me that Sam was a bastard and told her not to go home with me? LIES. I brought it up with him and he was astounded, saying "I would never ever say something like that, why the hell would I do that???? WHY WOULD SHE SAY THAT?!"
  9. Now I have no idea where I stand with Sam all over again thanks to her, because she very easily could have been lieing when she said that he told Joanie he liked me. Awesome.

No, good; I'm glad. I was concerned that wouldn't end in absolute complete catastrophe, crisis averted.

In other news, I stayed at Sam's again on Friday and it has been getting increasingly intimate/comfortable, although I have nooooooooooooo idea where this is going. And I find myself starting to really like him. Fuck.

Funny that we have a shared addiction to emotionally unstable girls a la Cherry and the girl he went home with instead of me a month back (she is getting medicated for bipolar).
It's meant to be?

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