Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I wanna go back here:

And drink some of these:

And some of these:

And go to some "beaches" like this:

And some underground bars like this:

However, for the time being I don't much mind being here:

And getting fed and watered like this:

(Yes, that is pumpkin soup, a slice of buttered bread and a cosmo. It also came with one cold sausage. That's how classy I am.)

And having friends like this:

This last one is Blondie and I back in the days when she used to come out to Slew on Fridays, I can't wait till summer to do this all over again!



  1. hahaha
    blondie j in her hooker best

  2. Lol, my favourite kind of Blondie J!
    Plus Grey at her most drunk/garrulous, look at that arm gesture.
