Saturday, November 7, 2009


So this whole Sam saga has just reminded me that I am an obsessive person.

Hi, my name is Grey and I am neurotic.

No, but seriously. I get bored unless I have something to focus my energies on. People are of course the most satisfying thing to obsess over, because they think and talk and change every day and they can obsess over YOU. However, in light of my current circumstances, in which I irrationally became obsessed with Sam despite the fact that I don't even like him that much (we don't click and I know it!), I clearly need to obsess over people less. People obsessions just end in me or them getting hurt. Usually me. So, things and activities are needed.

As a consquence of this new conviction, I have come up with a list of things to get me through the summer:

  1. Exam study (until the 12th)

  2. Reading Jane Austen books (right now, Pride and Prejudice *swoon*)

  3. Makin' sweet music (aka playing my guitar somewhat tunelessly in my room in preparation for starting a band with my friends. This will undoubtedly end up being a couple of "jam sessions" while we're drunk/high and think we sound amazing, but actually sound awful)

  4. Reinventing myself (which I get the urge to do once a year, this time it's going to involve black lipstick and many lengths of industrial gague chains)

  5. Writing a play with my friend Shark about the few months when we both worked at a gay bar while underage. Might have to make a retropost about that soon.

  6. Maybe finally writing this book I've been talking about FOREVER

  7. Going out on the town with my similarly single friends; drinking, taking drugs and making jokes about people and/or obsessing about them from afar (which is far less damaging than up-close). So really, a summer dominated by moments like this:

That should do the trick, right? *Tugs at collar nervously*

Probably not. Already obsessing over finding someone new to obsess about. Also still obsessing about the possibility of no-strings-attached sex with Sam when I stop caring about who he sleeps with (not too far away).



  1. whoa, you have a friend called SHARK? you know sharks are my favourite living creatures in the world??!?!

    so good it hurts.

  2. Haha yeah, Shark's just her nickname!
    Something about her last name being transformed into "Carpet Shark" and it all just went from there.
    It totally suits her though. She's one of those ballsy kind of women who never takes no for an answer.

    Why sharks? Because they're all smooth and dangerous and misundastood? Love it.
